news archive
You are now viewing our news archive -a record of news articles and blog stories from days gone by.
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Support theatre works! on World Theatre Day
Please celebrate this important day by supporting theatre works! We need your help to fund theatre trips for young people.
We will double donations made by January 31st
An anonymous donor has generously offered to double all donations made between 27th and 31st December … and add 50% to donations made during January, up to a maximum of £20,000 in the UK and $20,000 in the US. This is a wonderful Christmas present to theatre works! and we hope you can help us reach these goals
theatre works! chosen as Wicked charity partner
We are pleased to announce that the musical Wicked has chosen theatre works! as their charity partner for Wicked Day celebrations taking place 30 October to 1 November.
update report - Spring 2023
After sponsoring over 1100 students to experience live theatre in 2022 we have already agreed grants for nearly 2000 students in 2023. For many of the students, it is their first experience of the theatre.
update report - December 2022
A winter update from theatre works! Grants for over 1000 schoolchildren have now been provided by us and we’ve received our largest ever donation!
Wyedean School visits the New Theatre in Cardiff
This past October, funding from theatre works! helped GCSE students at Wyedean School attend a production of An Inspector Calls. Here is their feedback…
Receive a signed Tom Stoppard play when you make a donation*
New for Autumn 2022, we have 10 exclusive signed copies of Tom Stoppard plays as well as theatre works! mugs and t-shirts to give away with Suggested Donations.
update report - July 2022
Our charity made a strong start following our January 2021 approval by the Charity Commission; nearly 500 disadvantaged children have gone to theatre or related events as a result of our grants. These numbers were achieved despite huge challenges for schools and theatres given the Covid disruptions over this period.
What do children have to say?
Hear feedback from recent theatre works! supported events.
Our Honorary Patrons
We are proud to have Sir Tom Stoppard and Sir Nicholas Hytner as two of our Honorary Patrons.
Donating - What and why?
With your donations we are able to help provide free tickets to schools and youth groups which are able to give these children experiences to help encourage creativity