important information & conditions (uk)
Please read our ‘Important Information and Conditions’ (below) prior to completing the school grants application form. If your application is incomplete or you do not answer all questions your application will be unsuccessful. Please do not apply if your school is inside the M25. Refer to Go Live Theatre Projects (
You have two options for submitting the form:
Download the PDF print version, fill it out by hand, and then scan and send it back.
Download the form to your computer, fill it out digitally, and submit it.
Please submit back to
Conditions (UK)
We appreciate receiving your application and hearing from you. We are a small largely volunteer charity. Please be patient if it takes a few days to get back to you.
Who can apply for a tw! grant?
Schools or community groups where 40% or more children are Pupil Premium* (PP) and/or 20% are SEND students. Preference is given to schools with higher PP/SEND%. We use the latest published government figures for each school. We use the latest published government figures for each school.
Children should be aged 7-16.
The school or community group must be outside the M25; there are other resources available for Greater London schools, e.g. Go Live Theatre Projects.
*See Scottish and Welsh Schools information below, for separate arrangements.
What does the charity pay for? How large are your grants?
We pay for theatre tickets, transport, and related educational activities such as workshops or Q&A sessions. Typically, we do not expect to pay more than £15 per theatre ticket.
We are happy to pay only for transport or educational activities providing they are linked directly to a theatre production that meets our criteria.
We do not pay for programmes and refreshments.
Our maximum grants are £2000. The minimum is £250.
We may pay up to 100% of the grants requested, but we look to schools to use their PP funds and those available from parents and PTA’s, where possible.
We encourage grantees to ensure they obtain at least the standard student reductions on theatre tickets and transport. Please endeavour to use the most economical transport available.
Every effort should be made to ensure PP students are not singled out
The play must be a professional production. This means actors, directors and crews are paid for performing in the production.
What is a curriculum-based play?
A curriculum-based play refers to a situation where there is a direct link between what students are studying in school and what they will be attending at the theatre. For example, if students are studying Hamlet in class and will be attending a theatre performance of Hamlet.
If a grant is given for a curriculum-based play, we only pay for PP students.
How does the grant process work?
An Independent Grant Review team looks at grant applications on a rolling basis
We aim to provide a decision within 60 days of receiving your application. Please plan well ahead, particularly for Christmas shows. Applications received for performances that fall within 60 days of receipt of your application will not be progressed.
The number of PP students who attend must reflect the percent of PP students in the school. We will ask you to confirm this in an evaluation report.
Please submit an initial invoice from a verifiable school or community group account for 80% of the agreed grant, with a balancing invoice once a satisfactory evaluation report has been submitted.
Payment of the 80% amount is made prior to the event as required by the theatre’s payment terms. Accompany your invoice with copies of invoices from the theatre and transport company, as relevant.
Please note that the balancing amount is not payable until a satisfactory Evaluation Report has been received. If balancing invoices are not submitted within 60 days of the performance date, we reserve the right to withdraw our grant for the outstanding 20% amount.
How can I help my application succeed?
We want to support grants where an effort is made to provide related educational experiences. These efforts may be as simple as a teacher devoting some pre- and post-classroom time to discussing the impact of the play. We also encourage signing up for Q&A sessions or workshops where these are available.
Please specify in your application what efforts you will make to ensure a wide range of disadvantaged children benefit from this programme. These may well include children who don’t meet the PP definition but who for a variety of reasons do not have access to the theatre, e.g. SEND children. Preference will be given to applications that show the school has implemented plans to reach out to children who may not have had the opportunity to attend theatre performances in the past.
What types of plays are eligible for funding from theatre works!
We like to support projects that reach a large number of children. Touring companies can be an excellent way to expose a larger audience to the theatre.
We want children and young people to be exposed to a broad spectrum of plays. When you apply for grants over time (schools can only apply for a grant every other year), we encourage you to look at a range of plays. If you apply for a pantomime one year, the next time you might apply for a drama appropriate for that age group.
Do you support applications to London Theatres?
We want young people to have the opportunity to experience the thrill of big London shows as well as the many good regional theatres across the country. We aim to limit London theatre grants to about a fifth of our offering.
Do you cover theatres across the whole of the UK?
Yes. We want to support a diverse range of projects across different regions to maximize our national impact.
We are keen to consider local needs and gaps in arts access. We might for example favour rural applicants if the application indicates there is little or no access to cultural activities for disadvantaged children and young people in the area.
Scottish Schools
For Scottish applications Pupil Premium is not appropriate. Instead, we use the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) Scores. Schools must be in the Data Zones of the top 40% of deprivation to be included, i.e. have a score up to 40 on the Scottish School Roll and Locations - (column V).
Welsh Schools
We are aware that the Welsh government is moving towards universal primary free school meals, and this is to be rolled out across Wales, starting with the youngest in primary schools. Whilst we will continue to use FSM eligibility in the meantime, we will also refer to evidence as to whether a school is in a deprived area. The Welsh Government website provides this link - WIMD - Explore, which we advise applicants to review in respect of your school, and provide this supplemental information on the application form.
Should I book tickets before making my grant application?
If relying on a grant from theatre works! please do not book and pay for tickets in advance as your application may not be funded. Where bookings are dependent upon our funding, any reservations you make should be provisional.
Can I challenge the decision on my grant?
The decision on a grant application is final; we do not engage in discussions on reasons for our decision. You may make a subsequent application.
Can I apply every year?
A school or community group is eligible to receive a grant every other year.
Do I need to provide feedback?
Feedback from students and teachers is critical to the charity. People who are considering donating to the charity look at the evidence we provide to see if the charity is being effective. Direct feedback from children is critical to our work.
We like direct quotes that talk about what the experience meant to the student. Please don’t simply say that a Child or young person liked the play. Possible feedback questions are provided on the Evaluation form. If related workshops or educational materials are created, please tell us about them. We also like to see extracts of written work or pictures students created.
Video footage is welcome including from any workshops or post-event activities. We appreciate that getting parental permission for filming students can be challenging.
Please note that the quality of your feedback (and application) will be taken into account as part of the consideration given to any future applications to theatre works!
Is there a time limit for grant payments?
Yes, you have six months from the date of our approval to your application to claim your grant i.e. submitting your initial 80% invoice. Similarly, you must claim the balancing 20% within 60 days of the performance otherwise you will forfeit payment.
How far in advance can I apply?
We give grants up to 12 months from the date of an application.
What else is required?
We ask that theatre works! is given credit in any accompanying communication material (such as newsletters and social media) published by the school. This should include the theatre works! logo where appropriate. Brand identity information is available in the Brand section at the bottom of our website home page.
We need to comply with various regulations. Please read the Fine Print section below. Your signature on the application form confirms you have read and agreed to these requirements.
Conditions - The Fine Print
You confirm that a written Child Safety Policy equivalent to that adopted by the NSPCC is in place, including a Disclosure and Barring Service or equivalent checks for everyone who will be working with the children.
You confirm that the grant will only be used for the purposes outlined in the application, and any unspent funds will be returned to us.
If false information is provided or funds are used for purposed outside those outlined, we will require repayment of funds.
theatre works! will not accept responsibility for any claims arising from the events for which funding has been agreed.
You agree that we can make public the name of the school(s) or sponsoring organisation that receives a grant from us.
You agree that any information provided to us, including quotes and photos from children and teachers, can be used for the charity’s promotional purposes.